Meekatharra Gold Projects

Highlights: Prolific Gold & Critical Metals region

The Meekatharra  Project comprises three sub-project areas: Bundie Bore, Bluebird South & Cue, and covers an area of 266 km2. All three areas lie within a prolific gold precinct which has produced several million ounces historically and is home to Westgold Resources, soon to be Australia’s newest mid-tier gold producer through a merger with Karora Resources Ltd.


Westgold’s Murchison Operations include four underground mines, two processing plants, and three development projects, all of which are located within trucking distance of Voltaic's tenements, enhancing logistical efficiency and operational synergy for any potential gold discovery.



  • Westgold Bluebird (1.8 Mtpa) & Tuckabianna Mills (1.4 Mtpa) within trucking distance
  • Paddys Flat, Bluebird, South Emu, Triton, Big Bell, Comet mines: +270 koz Au/a
  • ~ 150km from Mt Magnet (60 Mt @1.69 g/t Au) & Murchison Gold Mines (89 Mt @2.18 g/t Au)
  • Monument Mining’s Burnakura Pit & Mill (381k oz Au historic Resource) ~ 2km from Bundie Bore
  • Recent drilling: 4m @32g/t Au from 218m (including 1m @71.8g/t Au from 219m).
  • Visible gold observed in RC chips (reference)
  • Monument Mining / Odyssey Gold JV
  • Recent bonanza Gold drill hits at Tuckanarra:
  • 4m @54 g/t from 124 m, 30 m below historical hole (10m @4.8 g/t) at historic Maybelle pit, which was mined in the early 1990s (reference)
  • Visible gold observed in RC chips


  • Australian Vanadium – Namesake Project – (Resource: 239Mt @0.73% V2O5)
  • Technology Metals Australia – Gabanintha Project – (Resource: 110Mt @0.84% V2O5)


  1. Bundie Bore
  2. Bluebird South
  3. Cue 

Bluebird SouthMeekatharra Project and sub-project Areas

The Bluebird South sub-project area comprises a single exploration licence application (E 51/2022) covering an area of 70 km2 and is located approximately 20 km south-west of the town of Meekatharra in Western Australia, and 5 km south of the Bluebird Gold Mine. Bluebird South is situated in the Mid-West region of Western Australia, 970 km north-east of Perth.

Bundle Bore  

The Bundie Bore sub-project area comprises two (2) exploration licences (E 51/1909, E 51/1946) and three (3) prospecting licences (P 51/3145, P 51/3146, P 51/3147) covering an area of 126 km2, and is located approximately 40 km south of the town of Meekatharra in Western Australia.


The Cue sub-project area comprises a single exploration licence (E 51/2057) covering an area of 70 km2 and is located approximately 60 km north-east of the town of Cue in Westem Australia. The Meekatharra Gold project area is situated in the Mid-West region of Western Australia, 600 km north-east of Perth, and lies within the Yilgam Craton, and encompasses a portion of the Archean Meekatharra-Wydgee Greenstone Belt within the Murchison Province which, historically, it is one of the more productive gold-bearing greenstone belts in WA, hosting numerous +1.0 M oz gold mining 'camps' including Meekatharra, Cue, Yaloginda-Bluebird, Big Bell, and Mt Magner. Moreover, a 1-4 km wide, north-south trending Cenozoic paleochannel covers about 50% of the project area along its western half, and channels in the region are prospective for gold and uranium mineralisation.

The Meekatharra project is prospective for paleochannel-hosted orogenic and intrusion-related gold mineralisation. Historical drilling has identified several low-level gold intersections that deserve additional evaluation.